- Fixed issue in which "InvalidCertificateId" error is returned when trying to create a logAggregationPoint with destinationAuthCertificateId.
- Supported merging of loadBalancerLogic into edgeLogic field. loadBalancerLogic will be deprecated.
- Introduced a new Edge Logic directive ignore_range. Ignore_invalid_range will be deprecated.
- Added an interface allowing the customer to control whether to use a DNS record to advertise HTTPS support.
- Added support for $server_province_code in the Edge Logic and Load Balancer Logic fields.
- Improved deletion of the latest certificate version by adding a new endpoint requiring specification of the version to be deleted. This is safer than the existing endpoint which used the keyword ‘latest’.
- Fixed incorrect TooManyHostnames error returned when deploying a property on behalf of a customer whose hostnameLimit has not been reached.
- Fixed issue with loading customer list.
- Removed Antarctica from the list of supported prefetch regions.
- Fixed links in the self signup page.
- Ensured correct handling of concurrent requests to create a certificate.
- Added support for filtering by origin’s peerSelectionAlgorithm in advanced search.
- Corrected Edge Logic editor to refer to URI_ESCAPE directive instead of URL_ESCAPE.
- Returned default values for optional settings when a property version is queried.
- Improved the appearance of the validation task details page when the task has no available details.
- Fixed a security issue related to the password reset functionality.
- Ensured the options 'auto,' 'strict,' and 'off' in the 'Follow Client IP Version' field are displayed in the user's preferred portal language after saving a property.
- Checked for duplicate client zone rules when creating or updating edge hostnames.
- Checked for invalid property hostnames in filters of report APIs.
- Automatically remove spaces around entered hostnames when generating a report to prevent errors.
- Added missing information to details of API calls which result in 401 and 403 responses.
- Improved handling of concurrent requests to create API permissions.
- Supported IPv6 addresses in the whitelists used to manage access to APIs and the portal.
- Fixed deployment and undeployment dates of properties and historic hostnames.
- Fixed problems with deleting an API permission.
- Supported specification of IPv6 addresses for an origin server in property configurations.
- Provided default HTTP/3 setting in the property page.
- Enforced resource permissions for logDownload, edgeHostnameReq, edgeHostnameReqSummary, volSummary, and volL7Summary report APIs based on allowedResources settings for the customer.
- Removed the requirement on origin server name and host header to be the same for AWS S3 auth.
- Showed client IP in error message if access to the portal is rejected due to IP whitelisting.
- Added HTTP/3 to advanced property settings.
- Used TLS 1.2 as default minimum TLS version.
- Changed dataNames field in the request summary report API's response.
- Added creationTime and lastUpdateTime to service quota object.
- Added property version description to deployment notification email.
- Fixed error in the secrets list API handling some characters.
- Limited an edge hostname’s client zone rule to redirect to up to 15 IP addresses.
- Updated headers sent to the real-time log feature’s remote server.
- Improved error handling of log configuration list API in response to invalid parameters.
- Fixed issue with deleting a certificate version that had not been deployed.
- In the reports page, we restricted selection of hostnames to a single wildcard hostname or multiple non-wildcard hostnames.
- Ensured Verifying ACME challenge window of the certificate creation process is closed after a certificate is uploaded.
- Ensured that only edge requests are counted when checking whether a hostname being undeployed has been recently used.
- Permit only line feeds and carriage returns with line feeds to be used as line breaks in certificates.
- Fixed issue with request report API when 'Report-Range: self+children' is used.
- Added option allowing users to select the public key algorithm when creating a certificate. ECC256 is recommended.
- Improved error handling when undeploying a certificate that is still in use.
- Improved messages shown when the user creates or updates an edge hostname.
- Fixed accuracy of validation task’s finishTime.
- Restricted wildcard certificates to supporting subdomains at the same level as the wildcard hostname.
- Improved error handling of deployment task creation.
- Allowed report users to filter and group by property hostnames.
- Limited report users to group by up to two items for summary reports.
- Rejected use of an origin shield unless ‘Direct Connection’ is set to ‘No Direct’.
- Updated password expiration email logic.
- Fixed incorrect validation finishTime issue.
- Improved DNS-01 certificate creation.
- Enabled property version descriptions to be up to 10000 characters in length.
- Ensured Edge Logic validation error if the origin_set_header directive is used to set the Host header.
- Ensured enforcement of a service quota’s hostnameLimit.
- Added the Peer Selection Algorithm field to property origins.
- Updated the edge hostname page to show the history of an edge hostname.
- Enabled autocomplete option for username in the login page.
- Added support for filtering and grouping by property hostnames to additional report APIs.
- Ensured edge hostname history includes status fields.
- Removed duplicate IP address from one origin shield.
- Ensured API access is limited to an API account's list of allowed properties, if specified. Notably, only hostnames of those properties will be accessible. For example, if an API account is permitted to access a single property, then report APIs would return data only for hostnames associated with that one property.
- Updated the get service quotas list API to support search and advancedFeatures query parameters. The search parameter lets you specify a keyword to find in the field values of the allowedCacheDirectives, allowedLbDirectives, allowedServerGroups, allowedLegacyTypes, and advancedFeatures fields within the service quotas while the advancedFeatures parameter lets you find service quotas with a particular advanced feature enabled.
- Ensured the correct enforcement of a service quota’s edgeHostnameLimit.
- Moved the description and estimatedBandwidth fields out of the history array of the edge hostname object.
- Added ‘required’ prompt for fields of the client zone rule user interface.
- Ensured the nearChina server group can be used in an edge hostname’s client zone rule only if the rule’s region is mainland China.
- Improved Chinese text in the origin details page.
- Rejected use of an origin shield unless directConnect is set to “noDirect”.
- Modified output to use a uniform format for IPv6 addresses consisting of full instead of compressed values and also lowercase for consistency.
- Deprecated the origin_selection_algorithm directive in Edge Logic in favor of a new peerSelectionAlgorithm field added to property.origins in a property's configuration.
- Limited use of the nearChina server group to the mainland China client region in an edge hostname’s configuration.
- Improved Chinese text in property origins page.
- Ignored the trialDeadline field if updating a service quota for a non-trial customer.
- Increased the number of characters permitted in the property version description to 10000.
- Ensured the IP details API works correctly with IPv6 addresses.
- Fixed the link to online help from Test Suites page.
- Fixed error messages for edge hostname user interface to be in the user’s preferred language.
- Ensured the origin details page is shown in the user’s preferred language.
- Ensured the selected timezone is applied in the access log page.
- Improved message for the InvalidTarget error code returned by several APIs.
- Improved validation of a property’s origin servers.
- Consolidated emails sent to customers about changes to shield IP addresses.
- Ensured that a trial customer who has exceeded the trial period’s usage limits can still upgrade their account.
- Updated historical hostnames API to return hostnames deployed to the staging environment and added the target parameter to allow caller to choose between ‘production’, ‘staging’, and ‘all'.
- Updated trial service expiration warning email to be in the customer’s preferred language.
- Fixed get certificate details API to correctly reflect use of the certificate in a property.
- Required shareWith to be specified when sharingMethod is set to ‘some’ when creating or updating a certificate.
- Fixed issues with some summary report APIs.
- Fixed an error that appeared after visiting the account page after inviting a new user to use CDN Pro.
- Fixed errors in the email notifying of the end of a CDN Pro trial.
- Redeployed a certificate to the staging environment if it was automatically renewed.
- Ensured shield change notification emails are in the customer’s preferred language.
- Checked if an active hostname is removed from the Subject Alternative Name field of a new certificate version being deployed. An error is returned in this scenario to prevent accidental removal of support which could impact visitors to the content.
- Rejected duplicate names in a prefetch request's fileList.headers field.
- Removed duplicate webhook call triggered by completion of a validation task.
- Fixed errors in the email warning of the end of a CDN Pro trial.
- Added prompt to deploy newly created certificate version.
- Checked whether a certificate being deployed would stop supporting a hostname in a deployed property.
- Ensured the all field appears first in the responses of the edge status summary and origin status summary report APIs.
- Returned an appropriate error if the user tries to create a log configuration with an invalid hostname.
- Improved error handling when an invalid target is specified in the certificate list API.
- Improved handling if a deployment task references properties that do not exist.
- Improved deployment notification email when a deployment task is created to remove a property or certificate without specifying its version.
- Rejected duplicate deployment attempts.
- Ensured trial expiration warning emails are sent in the customer’s preferred language.
- Ensured certificate expiration notification emails are in the customer’s preferred language.
- Rejected duplicate names in purge request's fileHeaders field.
- Fixed certificate auto-renewal issues related to an inconsistent algorithm used by the private key.
- Fixed sending of deployment notifications.
- Updated the Edge Logic editor's hint for eval_func to include new functions, URI_ESCAPE and ARG_ESCAPE.
- Fixed error that occurred if spaces were entered in URLs to purge.
- Updated prompts for the LITTLE_ENDIAN_BYTES subfunction of the eval_func directive in the Edge Logic editor.
- Ensured APIs treat edge hostnames as case-insensitive.
- Updated create property, create property version, and update property version APIs to return a Warning header if there is an inconsistency in a certificate referenced by the property. Scenarios include a certificate that does not support a hostname defined in the property or a certificate which is expired.
- Improved the warning message for deleting a service quota if the customer still has edge hostnames.
- Removed leading and trailing spaces in purge and prefetch input boxes.
- Fixed error displayed on Reports page after generating a Edge Hostname Request report with a 1 Day or 1 Month report interval.
- Ensured edge hostnames are case insensitive.
- Updated create property, create property version, and update property version APIs to return a Warning header if there is an inconsistency in a certificate referenced by the property. Scenarios include a certificate that does not support a hostname defined in the property or a certificate which is expired. Details of the warning can be found by calling the get property version API.
- Improved the warning message of the delete a service quota API if the customer still has edge hostnames.
- Removed leading and trailing spaces in the purge and prefetch input boxes.
- Fixed error displayed on the Reports page after generating an edge hostname request report with a 1 Day or 1 Month report interval.
- Updated deployment notification to indicate the version of the property or certificate that was deployed.
- Ensured deployment notification appears.
- Ensured the statusDetails field in edge hostname’s history is updated.
- Fixed error message returned when an invalid region is specified in an edge hostname’s client zone rule.
- Improved popup text confirming creation of a test suite.
- Allowed an administrator to resend an invitation to access the console.
- Added support for $content_code in log configurations.
- Allowed filtering by server groups, property hostnames, and property IDs in the fast route traffic volume report.
- Improved an error message shown when an edge hostname is updated or deleted while an update is already in progress.
- Enabled support for filtering fast route traffic volume report by property hostnames, property IDs, and server groups.
- Ensured password expiration reminders are sent to portal users.
- Improved validation of client zones to report an error if an unsupported combination of region and ISP is chosen.
- Added support for content code in log configurations by introducing a %concode variable.
- Relaxed the validation of property names to permit more characters including Chinese ones.
- Ensured that a certificate’s name can be updated independent of the number of versions the certificate has.
- Ensured correct enforcement of deployment task API permission.
- Improved client zone region and ISP selection by restricting to legal combinations.
- Allow additional reports to be filtered by server groups.
- Added support for $content_code variable in Load Balancer Logic and Edge Logic fields.
- Validated whether the portal user is logging in from an allowed IP address if the customer or user has an ipWhiteList setting.
- Added support to the summary of layer 7 traffic API for grouping by property hostnames.
- Added submissionTime, finishTime, configuration, status and statusDetails to the history array in the response of the GET edgehostname API.
- Updated prefetch validation to reject regions that are not among the 7 supported continents.
- Updated logAggregationPoint creation and update APIs to support reference to a certificate created using the CDN Pro certificate API.
- Added support for ‘compactJson’ in real-time log.
- Added support for compact JSON in real-time log.
- Highlighted traffic within the user-specified time range in traffic volume and request reports.
- Fixed calls to the customer list API resulting in a 500 HTTP response.
- Updated certificate creation and update APIs to reject privateKey, certificate, and chainCert files containing lines more than 64 characters long.
- Improved message returned if attempting to create a property with an invalid "maxConnections" value.
- Added a type field in the response to API to get a certificate version.
- Improved reports’ filtering by service groups and enabled the user to select a time range to get traffic during a particular period of a day.
- Improved error handling of CSR download when there is a mismatch between the signature algorithms of the private key and certificate.
- Returned a 404 status code if a purge or prefetch request is not found. This could happen because a valid request made in the past was cleaned up. We do not track requests older than 30 days.
- Ensured that allowedResources remains unmodified when updating allowedOperations in an API permission.
- Fixed the erroneous appearance of a trial expiration message once the customer upgraded.
- Ensured that DNS-01 challenge option works for wildcard certificates.
- Added %apachet log configuration variable.
- Added support for filtering and grouping by content codes in layer 7 report APIs. You can define values of $content_code in a property's loadBalancerLogic field.
- Allowed an operator API account to manage API permissions.
- Supported IPv6 origin in property configuration.
- Fixed an issue with use of %utctime in log download format.
- Renamed log download format fields, %custom1 to %custom_1, and %custom2 to %custom_2.
- Fixed issue with filtering the traffic volume report API’s results by hostname.
- Required API permissions to be explicitly granted to new API accounts before they can make API calls.
- Enhanced API permissions to support read-only access for an operator API account. This allows you to give an API account read and write access to some resources but read-only access to others.
- Added a maxConnections field to property origins allowing you to limit the number of simultaneous connections made to the origin.
- Added an isMaster URL parameter to the API which returns a list of portal users.
- Added DNS-01 challenge option to the certificate creation to streamline the certificate creation process. Customers must modify the DNS server to verify ownership of the hostnames for which they are creating a certificate.
- Ensured that console invitations and password reset messages reflect the customer’s preferred language.
- Fixed newly invited console user must complete the confirmation process for their account to be activated.
- Ensured that a suspended customer can still upgrade.
- Fixed validation issue when user opts to support older TLS versions.
- Ensured appropriate response to attempts to update an API account’s API name.
- Ensured console user is prompted to agree to our DPA (Data Processing Addendum) if the customer does not have an active user who already agreed to it.
- Added attack mitigation status for properties in the property list page.
- Fixed log download for the status code details and origin status code details reports.
- Fixed issue with API permissions.
- Modified systemConfigs to return supportedLanguages instead of allowedLanguages.
- Set console user’s default language to that of the customer.
- Ensured customer’s preferred language is used when sending notifications about changes to their accounts.
- Ensured origin status summary and edge status summary report APIs return customer IDs when requested to group results by customers.
- Increased number of API accounts allowed per customer to 500.
- Enabled the origin_upstream_only directive in the Edge Logic editor.
- Ensured link to log configuration API help works.
- Ensured link to tutorial works.
- Adjusted the limit_rate directive to support a minimum value of 0m and a maximum value of 32m.
- Updated enforcement of an API permission’s empty allowedResources subfields.
- Fixed an issue preventing some users from resetting their passwords due to their login names.
- Improved handling of customer limits inherited from a parent.
- Added language field to specify the default language used in notifications sent to a customer.
- Added support for filtering origin request and origin traffic reports by server groups.
- Ensured users can delete client zone rules of edge hostnames.
- Updated self-signup page to reflect new CDN Pro pricing.
- Fixed a customer creation scenario resulting in an InvalidRegionalOffice error code.
- Improved error handling when an API account makes an illegal request.
- Ensured properties with a shield setting can be returned by a search with hasConfig=origins.shield.
- Ensured that notification emails arrive in a user’s preferred language if one is set.
- Modified description of edge hostname creation to indicate we no longer automatically create a client zone rule to cover all ISPs and regions. You must create their own rule and choose which server groups to use.
- Fixed an issue in the origin details page in which settings could be incorrectly toggled.
- Fixed an issue with saving updates to portal users.
- Improved message in response to invalid deployment.
- Required customers creating an edge hostname to explicitly define a rule covering all regions and ISPs rather than creating a default rule for them.
- Ensured that suspensionDate is not set if a service quota is initially created with a suspended status.
- Made the customer’s description field optional.
- Fixed error returned when updating a customer.
- Fixed validation of API names.
- Improved Chinese translations used in the portal.
- Fixed issues related to saving settings in the property’s origin settings.
- Extended API permissions to allow restricting access to specific resources using the allowedResources field.
- Modified property origin authentication to allow non-AWS storage.
- Handled the case of updating a customer whose initial portal user has been deleted.
- Updated the response codes of some API calls from 402 to the more appropriate 403.
- Improved grammar in some error messages.
- Improved the appearance of the property page.
- Fixed unit of measurements on the labels of request and status code reports.
- Improved the appearance of test suites page.
- Added peer failure timeout settings to origin configuration allowing you to specify an origin is unavailable for a period of time if there are failures reaching it.
- Ensured that a reseller can make API calls on behalf of child customers.
- Fixed response of the get certificate details API.
- Ensured customer update API works as expected.
- Improved text in the test suites section of the property page.
- Improved validation of the test case definition page.
- Improved the appearance of the test case creation page.
- Ensured that a newly created test suite appears at the beginning of the list.
- Improved appearance of the login page.
- Improved hostname list in the reports page.
- Fixed units of measurement in reports page.
- Fixed an error displaying the account page.
- Ensured that a reseller can make updates on behalf of a child customer with IP restrictions.
- Allowed API accounts to be created with names up to 100 characters long.
- Ensured that the customer creation limit is properly enforced.
- Updated customer creation to handle invalid ipWhiteList field.
- Improved email notifications sent to customers about updated settings.
- Corrected error code returned when API name is empty for customer or API account creation.
- Improved error handling when creating a customer with invalid products.
- Improved error handling in the API returning a list of customers.
- Ensured settings of API accounts can be updated correctly.
- Fixed expiration notification for trial customers.
- Ensured user list is updated after deleting a user.
- Updated copyright notices.
- Fixed display of button in test suites page.
- Fixed display of summary reports when there is no data.
- Fixed appearance of password reset page.
- Ensured consistency of copyright notices.
- Improved appearance of test suite pages.
- Ensured test suites can be renamed.
- Supported export of hostname groups in the report pages.
- Fixed pagination of test suites.
- Fixed selection of property for a test suite.
- Fixed link to test suite from a property page.
- Ensured test suite role permissions are respected.
- Improved initial display of the test case page.
- Improved validation when saving a test case.
- Fixed display of the property list after deletion of a property.
- Supported sending email notifications to administrators about deployments to staging and production.
- Improved text of the Beian expiration warning emails.
- Prevented an edge hostname’s client zone rule from redirecting to IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time.
- Improved error message about encryption key.
- Automatically removed a deleted property or certificate from the standby task.
- Ensured proper display of ISPs in an edge hostname's client zone rule.
- Fixed date range in the access log page when the user’s preferred timezone is changed.
- Ensured search works correctly when invoked from any page of a list.
- Improved text of the verification code email.
- Fixed dashboard display for narrow browsers.
- Improved display of customer’s name in popup when a reseller impersonates a customer.
- Improved consistency of tooltip display.
- Improved sidebar display for narrow browsers.
- Improved the efficiency of deploying to the staging environment.
- Cleaned up the emails notifying customers of changes made to their settings.
- Ensured trial customers can deploy to production after testing deployments to staging.
- Added a new feature allowing users to create test suites to test properties deployed to staging and production.
- Improved sidebar to be consistent among our products.
- Improved appearance of the Quantil-branded console.
- Fixed spacing issues in the listing pages.
- Improved display of Tasks menu.
- Renamed UTC+00:00 to UTC in the user’s time zone list.
- Ensured only legal time zones are supported.
- Updated links to Quantil DPA.
- Improved position of the content header in the secrets, prefetch, and purge list pages.
- Improved text shown when impersonating a customer.
- Fixed table header’s color on the access logs page.
- Added endpoint to return shield given its ID.
- Added usedInProperties field to the response of the shield list API to indicate whether a shield is in use by any of your properties.
- Prevented removal of a child customer’s property if there is traffic to the corresponding hostnames.
- Improved service quota update API.
- Improved deployment to handle certificates with line breaks.
- Fixed summary of secret’s use by deployed properties.
- Disabled delete option for a secret that is in use.
- Fixed initial date range for traffic volume and access log download reports.
- Fixed text in Japanese language portal.
- Fixed initialization of the prefetch creation form.
- Prevented multiple clicks on Add to standby task button from generating extra confirmation dialogs.
- Improved horizontal scrolling of load balancer logic sections of the property comparison page.
- Ensured that newly created certificate is listed.
- Fixed an error in the response of the edge hostname list API.
- Improved validation of origin server settings when or localhost is used as a server to disallow use of nonpublic ports.
- Improved validation of the dpaAgreedBy field when updating a customer.
- Improved validation of the report APIs’ filters field in the request body.
- Removed extra whitespaces in certificates.
- Ensured prefetch date’s timezone is initialized to the user’s preferred timezone.
- Improved certificate edit page so that users aren’t asked about leaving the page.
- Improved appearance of the self-signup page.
- Added support for searching properties by origins.shield.
- Updated links to DPAs in the CDNetworks self-signup page.
- Added support for the DAY_PERIOD and CRC32 functions when using the eval_func Edge Logic directive.
- Fixed impersonation so that expected resources appear.
- Fixed initialization of Has ICP Beian field when creating a property.
- Added a privateDomains field to the service quota of customers to indicate domains owned by the customer. This prevents other customers from using them in properties.
- Prevented parent customer from deploying a child customer’s property or certificate to production if the child customer does not yet have permission.
- Corrected handling of deletion of child customer with an existing service quota.
- Corrected response for attempts to remove features from a parent customer that are in use by a child customer.
- Ensured that access control rules support non-Latin characters in the URI.
- Fixed portal’s display of session logout time.
- Prevented duplicate client zone rules from being created for edge hostnames.
- Prevented double clicks in prefetch UI.
- Fixed display issues on self signup page.
- Fixed issues with account setup on self signup page.
- Improved encoding of characters in purge and prefetch URLs to make it easier for users to submit URLs.
- Fixed self signup page links to the Chinese language website.
- Updated Chinese language self signup page references to legal documents.
- Allowed customers to enable use of two-factor authentication via a new setting in the Identity and Access Management page.
- Ensured the Start Prefetch button is enabled as expected.
- Added support for filtering by propertyIds and propertyHostnames in traffic volume, bandwidth, and request reports.
- Added support for grouping by propertyIds and propertyHostnames in traffic volume and request summary reports.
- Ensured that operator API accounts have correct permissions.
- Ignored entry of duplicate directives when creating or updating a service quota.
- Ensured customers can update allowed fields in their accounts.
- Ensured customers can deploy properties using a secret only if they have defined the secret.
- Ensured correct origin host is sent to the remote log when the auth_request directive is used.
- Ensured the apiKey field is returned when a customer is created with a suspended status.
- Disabled the validate origin link when the property is in view mode.
- Disabled the authentication certificate field when the property is in view mode.
- Prevented the deletion of the default client zone rule if it is the only one left.
- Fixed error when a reseller tried to register on the portal.
- Updated our self signup plan page to refer to sections of our website.
- Added TLS session timeout and Enable Zero Round Trip Time Resumption settings to property configuration’ TLS Settings section.
- Improved phrasing of edge hostnames’ action types.
- Added ipDetails API to allow customers to query whether IP addresses belong to the CDN Pro platform.
- Ensured edgeHostnameZones field is returned as expected in serviceQuotas API.
- Ensured that a parent customer can help deploy a child’s property using a secret in Edge Logic.
- Improved error handling when a reseller tries to create a customer.
- Improved error handling when property is created with the realTimeLog setting.
- Allowed the weight field of client zone rules to have values up to 1000 for more precise control over traffic.
- Supported parsing CRT file and splitting chainCert, if any, from the file when creating or updating a certificate.
- Improved usability of client zone rule creation.
- Improved error handling when a customer tries to access a product that hasn’t been enabled for him.
- Encoded URLs when creating purge and prefetch requests to make it easier for users who submit URLs with special characters..
- Updated handling of edgeHostnameZones in the portal to account for absent field.
- Added support for several variables ($remote_user, $client_real_ip, $sorted_querystring_args $random_N) in the load balancer hash key field.
- Ensured search for properties with keepAliveRequests returns results.
- Prevented service quota from being created or updated with duplicate directives.
- Fixed error handling when updating a child of a suspended parent customer.
- Fixed limits of customers when the grandparent customer’s limits are decreased.
- Fixed inheritance of customer limits.
- Updated resource usage check to consider CPU Hour usage.
- Fixed error handling when trying to update a customer’s type.
- Ensured that user with multiple roles has expected access.
- Fixed display of role status on role details page.
- Improved appearance of staging version in the property list page.
- Ensured that the Getting Started link points to the help in the user’s preferred language.
- Ensured correct behavior of Has Beian setting in the property page.
- Updated the error message about the purge name.
- Fixed appearance of the upgrade page for expired trial users.
- Ensured our partner can share certificates with children customers.
- Fixed issue with creating and editing edge hostnames.
- Ensured that only customers with access to a shared certificate can deploy it.
- Ensured that required customer fields cannot be set to null.
- Ensured a child customer’s service quota limits are set to appropriate values based on the parent’s limits.
- Ensured appropriate handling of reductions in a parent customer’s limits.
- Allowed administrators to resend or cancel a portal user invitation by choosing the appropriate menu item of the pending user in the identity and access management page.
- Improved appearance of dropdown menu in the reports page.
- Improved appearance of the self-signup page.
- Improved appearance of the account creation page for self-signup customers.
- Improved appearance of the purge details page.
- Updated the CDN Pro upgrade page to reflect the current price plan.
- Update the user information page to support :30 and :45 timezones.
- Allowed purges of URLs with encoded special symbols.
- Added support for timezones offset by :30 or :45 minutes in portal user's setting.
- Prevented sharing of a certificate with a non-existent customer.
- Added support for originShield as an advanced feature, allowing you to add an extra layer between the CDN Pro edge servers and your origin servers.
- Supported filtering of requests by serverGroups.
- Fixed maximum value of childCustomerLimit to match specification.
- Improved validation of Edge Logic, in particular, the keepalive_timeout and custom_log_field directives.
- Improved service quota update API’s handling of edge cases.
- Improved message for invalid apiMaxBurst value.
- Improved handling of default service quota for child customers.
- Fixed display of report when timezone is changed.
- Improved appearance of copyright.
- Added support for origin shield as an advanced feature.
- Fixed test environment issue in which version wasn’t properly displayed in the Add Tasks page.
- Improved appearance of the identity and access management menu.
- Improved appearance of top bar.
- Fixed display of timezone in annotation creation’s dropdown menu.
- Ensured that the user-selected timezone applies to a report’s time range.
- Improved error handling when summary report APIs are called with invalid customer IDs.
- Improved error handling when creating service quotas with invalid settings.
- Ensured updates to a customer's portalSettings work correctly.
- Improved error handling for invalid references to a certificate.
- Added the customerId field to the annotations list API’s response.
- Fixed filter support in the annotation list API.
- Improved assignment of default limits for a child customer.
- Improved the create and update service quota APIs to handle null values.
- Fixed the property list API’s hasConfig filter to support the keepAliveTimeout field.
- Increased notification limit from 2000 to 4000 characters.
- Ensured that the Beian status check sends emails to customers warning of expired Beian licenses which affects use of PoPs in China.
- Corrected enforcement of values of the limit_rate Edge Logic directive.
- Fixed error handling for updating customer limits.
- Ensured InvalidSelfUpdateChinaBizInfo error is returned when appropriate.
- Allowed an edgeHostname with redirect or reject actions to be created in the qtlcdn.com zone.
- Added help information to the portal.
- Corrected display of the role details.
- Displayed an appropriate message when the user tries to access a deleted certificate.
- Improved error handling of self-signup page.
- Supported scrolling of hostnames in the report page.
- Improved display of hostnames in the report page.
- Removed button in the property version comparison page.
- Improved display of purge list.
- Allowed variables in the limit_rate directive and limit_rate_after Edge Logic directives.
- Fixed issue with copying limits to child customers.
- Ensured that less expensive server groups are shown in the edge hostname API when a customer uses the higher level group.
- Ensured that the Report-Range header is consistently implemented among our APIs.
- Added support for the prefetchLevel field when requesting a prefetch. It defaults to Parent and can be set to Edge if necessary.
- Improved error handling if creating a validation task for a property with an incorrectly terminated directive in "loadBalancerLogic".
- Ensured that updating customer configs works as expected.
- Ensured that API rate limits are set correctly for child customers.
- Ensured that child customer limits are correct.
- Updated API server to ensure that nearChina must be in a client zone rule without other server groups.
- Ensured that company name supports non-Latin characters.
- Ensured that upgrade button text is in the correct language.
- Ensured action menu items are disabled for users with read-only access.
- Allowed deployment of property with expired certificate for testing.
- Ensured prefetch timezone is correct.
- Improved the layout of property search when many fields are specified.
- Ensured that the hostnames field in annotations page is filled with current hostnames of the displayed report.
- Fixed CPU time report’s behavior.
- Allowed MacOS users to create an annotation by clicking "Command" + "Left click".
- Improved error handling of logins.
- Improved the appearance of account update notification emails.
- Limited prefetch and purge URLs to 2048 characters.
- Ensured lower level server groups are included with higher ones. (For example, access to ultra includes access to standard, premium, and deluxe.)
- Updated self-signup page to support other languages. Currently, English and Chinese are supported.
- Improved appearance of reports page.
- Improved appearance of suspended status on users page.
- Improved error message for access log date range.
- Updated date/time display in report annotations to match mockups.
- Changed report menu to image to match mockups.
- Ensured tooltips in report annotations match mockups.
- Improved appearance of longer report annotation comment.
- Updated edge hostname user interface to ensure that lower server groups are enabled with higher ones.
- Improved display of Secret Details page.
- Ensured language of message when deleting a role matches the user’s preference.
- Added support for request and CPU summary reports.
- Fixed display of login page for self-signup users.
- Improved cleanup of customer accounts.
- Ensured notification emails are correctly sent to CDN Pro customers only.
- Fixed an error when the limit_rate directive is used.
- Updated load balancer logic to support the custom_log_field Edge Logic directive.
- Ensured appropriate setting of child customers’ API limits.
- Added support for the %srvip setting in the log configuration format to show the IP address of the CDN server handling a request.
- Prevented client request headers from being passed to a real-time log server.
- Added support for Chinese in the self-signup page.
- Added a support office field in the self-signup page to allow regional staff to help customers.
- Improved error handling in the property creation page.
- Fixed display of edge configuration’s secret after it is updated.
- Improved report annotation creation.
- Prevented an invalid hostname from being added to a group in the reports page.
- Improved the appearance of the task details page.
- Improved accessibility of our portal by hosting third-party CSS/JS files ourselves.
- Translated more text.
- Fixed issue affecting removal of a role from a user.
- Improved display of the self-signup page.
- Fixed error in the property version comparison page affecting the new load balancer logic field.
- Improved the appearance of the customer list page for resellers.
- Fixed report’s handling of the end of the date range to round up, making it consistent with our API.
- Ensured parent customers can create an edge hostname on behalf of a child customer.
- Fixed an issue affecting purge requests.
- Ensured that allowedServerGroups are properly saved.
- Ensured the lists of server groups in an edge hostname and a service quota appear in a consistent order.
- Fixed an issue with deleting a parent customer’s service quota.
- Ensured that server groups cannot be removed if they are still in use.
- Improved the API rate restriction implementation.
- Ensured expired trial customers can upgrade.
- Ensured the number of regular expression purges appears in the Content Management page.
- Improved error handling when deleting a role in use.
- Improved error message when the report date range is exceeded.
- Updated the copyright year in emails.
- Added caller information in purge and prefetch details.
- Added a box to show load balancer logic in property comparison.
- Ensured a button's text is correctly translated to Chinese.
- Ensured the viewer role has appropriate visibility of annotations.
- Ensured a domain group can be deleted.
- Ensured proper display of server groups available to a customer.
- Updated support for API rate limiting. Each customer has an apiRate and apiMaxBurst setting that limits the number of API calls that can be made in a short period of time.
- Added regexEntries field in the purge list API’s response.
- Prevented duplicate server groups from being added to a client zone rule of an edge hostname.
- Improved error handling when requesting the service quota of a customer without the CDN Pro service.
- Improved management of server groups for customers with child customers.
- Fixed count of hostnames in the Edge Hostname Request report.
- Updated inactivity email.
- Updated link to documentation in the access log download page.
- Updated the traffic volume summary report to support the ChinaStandard and ChinaPremium server groups.
- Fixed a hint in the load balancer logic editor.
- Fixed loading of reports for some users.
- Ensured users can create purge requests with regular expressions.
- Added allowedServerGroups field to service quota to control the server groups a customer can access.
- Added CPU summary report.
- Improved error handling of PATCH API permissions to suggest creating an API permission if it does not yet exist.
- Added support for multiple hostnames in the report download API.
- Improved error handling if a user specifies an invalid server group in an edge hostname's configuration.
- Ensured consistent naming of server groups in the service quota APIs.
- Ensured default server groups are used if none are specified when creating an edge hostname.
- Added support for report annotations to highlight interesting events.
- Improved error handling when missing a semicolon in a property’s Edge Logic.
- Added support for saving hostnames as a group in the report form to allow easier reuse.
- Fixed display issue in access log download page when the user clicks the browser's back button.
- Fixed an error in the log configuration creation page when a $ character is entered.
- Fixed an error preventing deletion of a log configuration.
- Renamed “premium+” server group to “deluxe” and added ChinaStandard and ChinaPremium groups to distribute content using servers in Mainland China.
- Improved validation of API names.
- Ensured that email notifications are sent to all portal users identified as ‘master’.
- Improved description of undeployment task when a customer is suspended.
- Relaxed validation of the access_log_sampling directive to permit variables.
- Added support for three log configuration fields: %querystr, %reqhdrsize, %reqsize.
- Improved validation of role names.
- Improved validation when a user tries to modify the server header using the add_header directive.
- Improved Korean-language translation.
- Improved display of self-signup page.
- Updated prefetch to support continents rather than countries.
- Improved display of task menu.
- Improved display of property comparison page.
- Added support for new log configuration fields: : %querystr, %reqhdrsize, %reqsize.
- Supported renaming of server groups.
- Improved validation of Edge Logic.
- Ensured that properties and certificates are undeployed after a customer’s service quota status becomes suspended.
- Limited the maximum number of certificate versions that can be created to 500, after which a new certificate should be created.
- Relaxed Edge Logic validation to ensure valid case passes.
- Ensured proper response when customer is created with responsiblePerson field.
- Permitted 0 as a value of the limit_rate_after Edge Logic directive. This may be useful for blocking attacks.
- Improved error handling for report APIs if report service is unavailable.
- Improved display of property comparison page.
- Fixed appearance of property versions with very long descriptions.
- Fixed Korean translations.
- Updated origin configuration to support authentication certificate to connect to the origin server.
- Improved certificate details layout.
- Ensured that a client zone rule can be configured to deliver using server groups inside and outside of China.
- Improved notification of changes made to a customer account or API account on behalf of the customer.
- Introduced two new server groups, ChinaBase and ChinaUltra. These can be used by customers with ICP Beian to deploy to servers in China. Formerly, they were an inherent part of the other server groups.
- Improved validation of the API login name. It can consist of only alphanumeric characters along with the underscore, ampersand, hyphen, and period characters.
- Used our CDN to accelerate the portal.
- Improved property search by adding a dialog for configuring search criteria.
- Added warning about regex pattern limit when creating a purge request.
- Fixed problem with display of edit edge hostname page.
- Ensured the correct report type is used after navigating between different reports.
- Improved display of warning in edge hostname creation page.
- Improved message about Edge Logic configuration format.
- Fixed Korean language text on Purge page.
- Modified edge hostname page to support the two new server groups, ChinaBase and ChinaUltra.
- Escaped the period in the Edge Logic wizard’s default location.
- Cleaned up database to ensure edge hostnames can be created.
- Prevented termination of a parent customer if it has a child customer.
- Added support for authentication to origin using a certificate. The certificate must be created and deployed.
- Ensured 'origin_pass' works correctly with 'if' blocks in Edge Logic.
- Improved error handling for API call without proper authentication.
- Ensured that parent can get details of an API call that had been performed on behalf of a child customer.
- Ensured real-time log sample rate works as expected in the presence of return directives.
- Fixed error related to attempted re-use of deleted portal user.
- Fixed role creation when choosing “All permissions”.
- Improved confirmation message when creating a property with hostnames that have ICP Beian.
- Improved translated text.
- Fixed display of prefetch region in list when user enters a region.
- Fixed issue affecting display of portal user’s status when editing a user.
- Ensured a reseller can create and manage roles with self+children scope.
- Added confirming if user clicks away while creating a prefetch or purge request.
- Improved efficiency of displaying dashboard reports.
- Fixed PATCH webhook API to allow credential to be updated.
- Improved error handling to be more user friendly.
- Allowed childCustomerLimit to be updated for a suspended parent customer.
- Fixed syntax checking for directives used in loadBalancerLogic field of properties.
- Improved error handling when null values are passed.
- Fixed response to APIs when offset exceeds the total number of records.
- Ensured that a child customer can check the API call made on behalf of them.
- Updated the certificate details API to show the issuer of the certificate.
- Fixed error returning certificate list.
- Added support for log configuration in the portal. Users must create a log configuration that applies to a hostname in order to download access logs for it.
- Improved handling of duplicate self-signup attempts.
- Improved edit user page for unconfirmed users.
- Asked users to confirm cloning of property version not yet deployed to production.
- Improved display of text when user changes browser window size.
- Improved display of property version list.
- Fixed display issues in edge hostname request report.
- Fixed display issue in report page when enter key is pressed.
- Updated translated text.
- Showed issuer of certificate and improved layout.
- Fixed error handling for invalid search of customers.
- Fixed consistency issues in tracking edge hostnames.
- Improved error code for log download API.
- Allowed log configuration update to clear the description field.
- Updated loadBalancerLogic to allow use of system configuration API’s baseLbDirectives along with a customer’s allowedLbDirectives.
- Fixed error handling querying historical API calls.
- Fixed report API response when there is no data.
- Added support for creating prefetch requests.
- Fixed issues with Russian translation.
- Fixed issue in report page with scroll bars.
- Fixed display of Staging version column in properties list affecting some languages.
- Improved Edge Logic hint text.
- Fixed display of buttons in edge hostname creation and update pages.
- Fixed enforcement of upper limit on property versions.
- Fixed display of button and excess space in report page.
- Fixed spacing between fields in Edit Certificate page.
- Improved customer creation error handling when attempting to recreate a customer.
- Added support for peerFailureTimeout field in property’s origin settings to control retries when an origin server is inaccessible.
- Improved webhook creation error handling when invalid credentials are specified.
- Added support for Report-Range header in the log configuration list API.
- Added edge request, intermediate response, intermediate request, origin response, origin request to the traffic volume summary report.
- Fixed error that occurred if a regular expression purge passed a URL ending with “\?”
- Improved efficiency of checking for recent traffic to hostnames when deploying or undeploying properties.
- Ensured that variedFields field is returned in the response of the purge list API.
- Fixed response to API called after service has been suspended.
- Sorted the dataNames in edge status summary and origin status summary APIs.
- Ensured that groupBy in the summary report APIs supports up to two items.
- Ensured that edge hostname list is refreshed after filtering using “Has Beian”.
- Made improvements to realtime log UI in the property configuration page.
- Added length restriction to purge name.
- Added support for automatic check of ICP Beian for new properties.
- Improved Russian language text.
- Fixed display of title in Update Secret page.
- Support hostname filter in query string of the log download API.
- Improved error handling when a user tries to create an edge hostname using illegal characters.
- Added support for Report-Range header in the purge list and prefetch list APIs.
- Allowed the billUsingStripe serviceQuota field to be set to null.
- Allowed groupBy to be used in the query string of summary reports. This is useful when calling the report APIs using the GET method.
- Added edge status summary API to summarize status codes returned by edge servers.
- Added origin status summary API to summarize status codes returned by origin servers.
- Prevented duplicate certificate and property versions from being created if multiple requests were received at the same time.
- Improved error handling for invalid impersonation attempts.
- Improved error message for invalid maxSuccessRate filter passed to the purge list API.
- Fixed response of edge hostname request summary API.
- Supported access_log_sampling directive in loadBalancerLogic.
- Added support for several variables (%cltregion, %cltisp, %cltport, and %reqrange) to the log configuration format.
- Improved handling of user with limited permissions to access role management in the portal.
- Improved display of edge hostnames and secrets.
- Improved emails notifying users of changes to their accounts.
- Prevented use of the special nearChina server group from including other server groups in a client zone rule.
- Fixed a tooltip for regular expression purge.
- Allowed users to specify load balancer logic via a new input field.
- Updated the getting started video for new users.
- Added createTime and updateTime fields to the response of the Get a log configuration API.
- Fixed role name limit enforcement to match specification (128 character maximum).
- Fixed error handling of purge task with null value for fileUrls, /regexPatterns, or dirUrls.
- Removed the API key from the response of the Get customer API. For security, the key will be returned only when creating a customer or resetting the customer's key.
- Fixed generation of NGINX configuration when Edge Logic includes regular expression.
- Fixed property configuration when an additional TLS certificate is removed.
- Ensured errors coming from purge requests are translated.
- Corrected display of reports’ first and last data points in some scenarios.
- Improved error handling of portal user creation and updates.
- Improved error handling of edge hostname creation and updates.
- Improved error handling of unauthorized request for customer details.
- Improved error handling of invalid input when creating an API permission.
- Ensured prefetch list contains only unique URLs.
- Improved error handling of ICP Beian status check.
- Allowed access to secrets to be limited by API permissions.
- Ensured permissions are respected for annotations API.
- Added target, action, and maxSuccessRate query parameters to the purge request list API.
- Improve error code and message when deploying a property using a secret that has been updated.
- Added Get public IPs API.
- Improved the InvalidContentType error message for API calls.
- Improved display of Getting Started video banner.
- Fixed handling of role deletion.
- Made staging IP addresses accessible in the property list page.
- Corrected error message for ResponsiblePersonTooLong code when a reseller creates or updates a customer.
- Ensured that a reseller's operator API account can request a reset of a child customer’s API key.
- Ensured that a child customer can request the parent’s name.
- Improved error message when a deployment task is created with an empty property ID.
- Ensured that a report annotation can be created for wildcard hostname *.com.
- Added maxFilePurgeEntries and maxDirPurgeEntries to service quota to limit the number of entries that can be submitted in a single purge request.
- Added support for a new Edge Logic directive, http2_max_concurrent_streams, with a default of 64 and maximum of 512 to support domains with small objects requiring higher levels of concurrency.
- Added support for regular expression purge.
- Ensured that logConfigLimit specified in the service quota is properly enforced.
- Ensured that reseller can perform actions such as querying or updating a suspended child customer.
- Prevented deletion of role that is in use.
- Fixed user list page to show roles belong to each user.
- Added support for regular expression purge.
- Fixed purge quota warning’s appearance.
- Fixed property search so that filters work as expected.
- Fixed page numbers on the property list page.
- Fixed edge hostname page to properly reflect the status of Mainland China support.
- Replaced “Directory” with “Wildcard” as purge type when creating a purge request. This better reflects what you can do with this option.
- Ensured that a role can be deleted after users using it have been deleted.
- Fixed error message when a prefetch request is created with an invalid header value.
- Improved error handling of the webhooks list API.
- Improved error handling of the filter in annotation list API.
- Fixed status code when attempting to update an edge hostname’s Beian status.
- Fixed salutation in email notifications of account changes.
- Fixed traffic volume summary’s response to account for a special situation of domain served from the local IP address
- Added loadBalancerLogic field to property definition, allowing custom code to be inserted into the NGINX LB block. A field, loadBalancerDirectives, was added to the systemConfigs API to indicate the directives that can be used. These updates allow code to be added to reject DDoS requests.
- Fixed pagination of portal user list page.
- Ensured list of secrets is updated after a secret is created or deleted.
- Corrected unit of measurement for cache hit ratio in traffic report.
- Improved purge interface to allow easy entry of multiple files or paths.
- Showed notifications in the correct language.
- Emphasized Beian Content Type must be selected if the user indicates property has ICP Beian.
- Added support for RSA_SIGN and RSA_verify in the eval_func of Edge Logic.
- Updated error handling when cloning edge hostname with Beian support.
- Fixed initialization of radio buttons when repeating a purge.
- Enhanced property search to support searching by configurations.
- Removed extraneous whitespace in property name.
- Improved Edge Logic Wizard to provide recommended settings for websites and download or VOD (video on demand) content as well as continuing to allow full self-configuration.
- Enhanced property search to allow resellers to search for properties of their child customers.
- Fixed filtering on certificate list page.
- Fixed portal user suspension.
- Improved error handling if an invalid cache time is entered in the origin configuration.
- Improved warning if deploying a property with an expired certificate.
- Improved Russian, Korean, and Japanese translations of Edge Logic hints.
- Fixed custom role so it can access reports.
- Fixed issue with deleting edge hostnames.
- Relaxed ICP Beian check to support more domain suffixes.
- Disallowed specification of our default edge hostnames in a service quota’s edgeHostnameZones field.
- Ensured that TLS1.3 can be specified as the minimum TLS version in a property.
- Fixed scenario where reseller is creating a service quota for a customer.
- Updated our cache key handling to support prefix purge.
- Updated role management to provide precise control over role permissions.
- Added “Purge Again” button to the purge details page, allowing you to resubmit a purge request.
- Allowed deployment of property with expired certificate. This isn’t a configuration normally used in production since visitors’ browsers will show warnings.
- Changed product name to “CDN Pro”.
- Allowed resellers to use a different domain for edge hostnames instead of our defaults. Resellers need to contact us for more information.
- Fixed error message when creating a deployment task with an invalid property ID.
- Prevented suspended customer from making calls to an API.
- Ensured child customer cannot have higher limits than a reseller.
- Fixed error handling when a reseller tries to update a customer with invalid configs field.
- Ensured that default usage limits for a child customer are set properly.
- Ensured edge hostnames begin with at least 10 characters before the suffix.
- Ensured proper cache key is set even if the auth_request directive overrides $uri.
- Enhanced purge to support prefix purges (for example, http://test.domain2.com/mydir/a* to purge files starting with “a” and "http://test.domain2.com/mydir/a** “ to purge all files and subdirectories starting with 'a')
- Fixed some Russian translation issues.
- Updated the Create Edge Hostname page to support multiple suffixes.
- Disallowed update of the edgeHostname field in edge hostnames because it can interrupt service.
- Disallowed update of the hasBeian field in edge hostnames because of planned changes to edge hostnames to use different suffixes for those with ICP Beian versus those without.
- Fixed display of plan page for self-signup trial users.
- Updated warning text about pending standby task if the user tries to log out before deploying.
- Improved response to erroneous input in the report page.
- Improved display of lengthy tooltips in the property configuration page.
- Fixed issues supporting Russian translation.
- Added clarification for trial users that deployment to production is enabled only after they’ve performed some tests against staging.
- Supported soft wrap in the Edge Logic editor.
- Allowed Edge Logic hint text to be translated. Directive names are keywords that must remain in English.
- Returned error code InvalidApiAccountId if an incorrect API account ID is specified when calling API permissions endpoints.
- Enforced the logConfigs API permission.
- Added responsiblePerson and emailAddress fields to the customer list API’s response.
- Added support for nearChina in reports. “nearChina” is an advanced feature that can be enabled for those without ICP Beian who want to maximize performance for visitors in China. Please contact us if you require this feature.
- Prevented the HDT product from being removed if the customer was still using resources.
- Prevented property using a shared certificate from being deployed if the owner of the shared certificate stopped sharing it. The property must be updated to use another certificate or no certificate before it can be deployed.
- Added support for advanced Edge Logic directive proxy_ignore_client_abort which is useful for our real-time log feature.
- Fixed creation of API permission.
- Fixed removal of the ECP product from a customer.
- Fixed error handling when invalid values are specified for usageLimitDays and usageLimitDollars of the serviceQuotas APIs.
- Ensured that read-only API accounts can call report APIs.
- Ensured that service quota creation does not require specifying directiveParameterLimits. Defaults apply.
- Improved the self-signup page to describe our promotional offers.
- Made improvements to support translation from English to other languages.
- Fixed display of certificate name when creating a property.
- Pointed self-signup customers to our “Getting Started” video.
- Added tooltip for real-time log sample rate in property configuration.
- Fixed display of dropdown lists in reports page.
- Added support for TO_UPPER, TO_LOWER, and SUBSTR to our Edge Logic function eval_func.
- Added information icons for TLS Ciphers and Certificate auto-renew.
- Added support for ENCRYPT_SYMM and DECRYPT_SYMM cipher functions that can be used in Edge Logic.
- Improved certificate list display.
- Ensured user can confirm deployment of property with a mismatched or expired certificate. This should not normally be done in production if you expect real visitors to access your content since their browsers will show warnings and prevent access.
- Added pie charts to the origin status code details and status code details reports, allowing you to see the percentages of returned status codes.
- Improved the CDN Pro self-signup page to mention our special offers.
- Ensured the Start Purge button is enabled after the user does a directory purge. It allows the user to create additional purge requests without leaving the page.
- Allowed administrators to force a deployment, overriding warnings from our check of certificates and hostname activity. We warn if a certificate's Subject Alternative Name field does not contain the hostnames specified in the property, if the certificate already expired and would cause visitors to get browser warnings, and if the deployment affects hostnames that were recently accessed by visitors.
- Translated additional text that appears in the portal.
- Supported accelerating the CDN Pro portal and API through our CDN to improve performance.
- Fixed display issues in the certificate details page.
- Improved validation of report annotations.
- Enforced IP allow lists for API calls.
- Improved validation of portal user configuration.
- Allowed reseller to call deployment management APIs on behalf of customer if needed.
- Fixed notification-related bug.
- Improved button layout in the property edit page.
- Updated support for spaces in a 'secret'.
- Improved the certificate details page.
- Added more help information when creating a new certificate version.
- Ensured that the range picker filter is highlighted properly in the Content Management page.
- Improved error handling when entering invalid date ranges in the Deployments page.
- Ensured users can confirm they want to undeploy a property that has recent requests.
- Fixed banner shown to self-signup customers.
- Fixed button display in the property comparison page.
- Fixed portal user list API's handling of the ids query parameter.
- Ensured an operator API account of a reseller can create an API permission for an API account of their customer.
- Allowed a single task to deploy a new certificate version along with the property using it instead of requiring separate deployment tasks.
- Improved Edge Logic validation to ensure that nested location blocks have a content handler.
- Improved handling of customer deletion when the customer is still using resources.
- Improved validation of hostnames used in a property.
- Updated deployment to support the Check-Certificate header to bypass checking of expired certificates and hostnames missing from the certificate’s SAN. This may be useful in some circumstances for testing, though it should not normally be used in production, since browsers would discourage visitors from accessing your content.
- Improved certificate verification.
- Ensured that query strings of URLs that are purged are respected.
- Improved report range date picker.
- Added tooltips for Direct Connection origin setting.
- Improved appearance of client zone rules table.
- Added initial Russian language support.
- Added visual cue when loading the list of certificates.
- Show waiting status when saving or validating a property.
- Improved validation of API calls made by resellers.
- Improved error handling of secret management APIs.
- Added support for “operation” report annotations that CDNetworks may use to identify operational changes. We expect these to be infrequent.
- Made API query parameters case-insensitive for ease of use.
- Fixed annotation list to include recently updated annotations.
- Fixed search for secret by its ID.
- Updated the Content Management page so you can search for purge requests by selecting the time range when they were submitted.
- Required you to confirm if you try to delete a recently active hostname or edge hostname. This helps prevent accidental deletion of resources still used by visitors.
- Fixed highlighting of a menu when switching to the standby tasks page.
- Improved the cache settings dialog shown when creating a new property by clicking Wizard.
- Added secret management APIs you can use to improve security by preventing sensitive text from being exposed in Edge Logic.
- Allowed you to show report annotations for property deployments, certificate deployments, and edge hostname updates.
- Added “proxy_next_upstream off;” in NGINX configuration to avoid latency related to using the real-time log feature.
- Added reminder to use directory purge for files with multiple variations.
- Fixed display of IP addresses available for testing deployments to staging.
- Added the "Secret Management" feature so you can hide sensitive text from being exposed in Edge Logic. To access, click “Secrets” under the “Edge Configurations” menu item.
- Improved the cache settings dialog shown when creating a new property by clicking Wizard.
- Improved the display of the property comparison page.
- Added a Video Seeking section to the Advanced Settings of property configurations allowing you to specify parameters related to video content.
- Updated a customer's list of users to indicate whether the users have full access to all products.
- Ensured an error is returned if you try to create a property with duplicate hostnames.
- Updated API calls to return data from the last 30 days by default.
- Reduced the latency associated with real-time log implementation.
- Improved the standby task's interface.
- Improved the property edit page's appearance.
- Improved the property deployment user interface by linking to information about testing staging deployments.
- Added text explaining the ICP Beian setting.
- Improved the sidebar menu icons.
- Fixed the appearance of a long edge hostname in the reports page.
- Ensured the portal shows a property version is frozen once the property is deployed.
- Fixed prefetch quota enforcement.
- Added a check for traffic when you try to delete a hostname or edge hostname. This helps reduce accidental deletion of actively used hostnames and edge hostnames.
- Made /ngadmin API query parameters case-insensitive for ease of use.
- Added a confirmation dialog when you cancel adding to the standby task list.
- Provided additional help in the portal for directory purge.
- Added support for $remote_user and $client_real_ip in loadBalancerHashKey.
- Added support for webhooks in asynchronous operations (validation, deployment, purge, prefetch) to notify you when the operations complete.
- Improved property list API’s "hasConfig" filter to support searching fields.
- Added a check of traffic before deleting an edge hostname to avoid accidental deletion.
- Added the origin status code report.
- Enhanced the property search to allow direct matches including prefacing with ‘^’ to match text at the beginning of fields.
- Fixed a problem with enabling the High Speed Data Transmission (HDT) product for a reseller's customer.
- Fixed an error when deploying a property using a certificate without SANs.
- Fixed an error that could occur while creating a certificate.
- Updated the customer list page to ensure it has at least 10 items per page.
- Ensured that search and filter conditions for certificates are additive.
- Added support for cloning an existing property to create a new one.
- Added "View Report" in the "Actions" menu for properties and edge hostnames.
- Added support for the CALC_INT and ABS_INT functions in Edge Logic.
- Prevented a purge task from being created until at least one file or directory has been specified.
- Improved the text in the standby task confirmation.
- Added the property version description to the dropdown list in the property configuration page.
- Added the portal user's name into descriptions by default when creating and updating properties and other resources.
- Fixed the display of disabled text on Safari browsers so that it is more visible.
- Added support for disabling HTTP2.
- Improved validation by rejecting unsuitable certificates.
- Added soft wrap to the real-time log editor to improve usability.
- Added support for a template to initialize self-signed (“auto-generated”) certificates.
- Improved the deployment user interface.
- Fixed dismissal of progress bar for property deployments that fail.
- Fixed search by report name.
- Allowed you to define a baseline configuration for initializing the Edge Logic of new properties you create.
- Allowed you to clone an edge hostname to make it easier to create a new one based on an existing one's settings.
- Updated the real-time log feature to allow the sample rate to be 0.
- Prevented resellers from deleting a suspended customer who still has access to a product like CDN Pro.
- Fixed an issue affecting generation of a Sectigo DCV file.
- Allowed resellers to use the Report-Range header in property list API.
- Fixed the display of property and certificate name in standby task.
- Added support for variable auto-completion lists for the Edge Logic and real-time log editors, making them easier to use.
- Improved the user interface for creating and updating certificates.
- Fixed the timezone in the deployment and validation list's time range selection interface.
- Reset the time if you clear the date range fields in validation, report, and deployment list pages.
- Allowed validation of a frozen property. This may be necessary due to cache version changes that obsolete previously validated properties.
- Improved an error message in portal user creation API.
- Improved property validation.
- Fixed error handling when using invalid or unauthorized Edge Logic directives.
- Fixed enforcement of limits used in timeout-related directives such as client_send_timeout.
- Fixed CDN serviceQuota's “advancedFeatures” setting.
- Added tracking of recent validation and deployment times of a property.
- Updated user invitation emails to come from sender ‘CDN Pro Admin’.
- Put search and filter parameters into the URLs of the list pages (i.e., property, edge hostname, certificate, content management).
- Made the certificate creation user interface more consistent with property creation.
- Prevented certificates with the same name from being created.
- Fixed display of version when creating a new version of a certificate.
- Fixed display of certificate and property lists.
- Added a link to create a property to help new CDN Pro users.
- Improved the appearance of the validation and deployment pages while they are loading.
- Improved validation of Edge Logic in properties.
- Fixed error handling when invalid or unauthorized directives are used in a property.
- Improved validation of timeout-related settings in a service quota’s directiveParameterLimits.
- Updated service quota creation to support the advancedFeatures field.
- Added search and filter parameters in URLs of property, edge hostname, certificate, and purge list pages to make them easier to bookmark.
- Improved certificate creation page.
- Prevented a timezone change from affecting impersonation by resellers.
- Prevented certificates of the same name from being created.
- Fixed display of certificate version number when creating a new certificate.
- Allowed manual input in the start and end date fields of the report page.
- Improved error message if you attempt to deploy a property with a hostname used by another customer.
- Improved logic to handle hostname conflicts that can occur if using wildcard domains.
- Fixed the default client zone rule for edge hostnames allowing use of all server groups instead of just ‘standard’ to maximize performance. You can create custom client zone rules to maximize performance and minimize costs.
- Fixed a display issue in the Edge Logic edit field.
- Improved message that appears when a newly invited user tries to use an existing login name.
- Updated implementation of the standby task page.
- Improved the appearance of the upgrade button.
- Improved display of roles and other pages as they are being loaded.
- Added a search button in the validation and deployment pages' time range filter interfaces.
- Fixed the Edge Logic window’s autocomplete support for new directives.
- Added support for dragging to zoom in the CPU and edge hostname request reports.
- Added the edge hostname request report.
- Added the CPU time report.
- Enhanced the date picker in reports page.
- Added support for High Speed Data Transmission (HDT) in the product selection menu, allowing you to switch to the HDT portal.
- Fixed password expiration email’s appearance.
- Implemented notification message when a deployment is added to the standby task.
- Fixed text of standby task confirmation.
- Fixed validation and deployment popup windows’ button labels.
- Improved date range picker in validation and deployment task list pages.
- Fixed display of customers of resellers.
- Removed apiAccountId from responses of API calls directly made by you.
- Limited an edge hostname’s client zone rule to a maximum of 10 ISPs.
- Added impersonatingParentCustomerId to identify the reseller (or parent) customer performing an action like purge, validation, or deployment on behalf of their customer.
- Removed redundant target field returned in the purge summary response.
- Improved querying for API calls when using a path parameter with an asterisk character.
- Returned customerId field in API calls and portal users APIs.
- Returned an error if the user tries to deploy a certificate with an invalid certificate version.
- Added support for advancedFeauresList and directiveParameterLimits in CDN Pro service quota object. These manage access to advanced CDN Pro features and specification of limits on some Edge Logic directives.
- Improved error handling in the property creation and edit pages when an invalid edge hostname is specified.
- Improved the appearance of the verification code email sent to users who forget their passwords.
- Limited selection of ISPs in creation of client zone rule for an edge hostname.
- Improved text in progress popups.
- Cleared the standby task list after the task has been run.
- Fixed standby task field names.
- Fixed overlapping standby task and deploy buttons.
- Added support for non-standard HTTP and HTTPS ports by specifying them in a extraServicePorts field of a property configuration. Also return extraServicePorts in the system configuration API. Please contact us if you require a port that isn't yet allowed.
- Prevented deletion of a property whose deployment is still in progress.
- Supported querying validation history of a deleted property.
- Enhanced property list API to support searching for a value that is not present in the configuration.
- Allowed resellers to use the Report-Range header in API account list.
- Updated traffic volume summary report to support the protocol parameter.
- Modified property validation to allow the 'if' parameter in Edge Logic.
- Modified order of deployment actions to ensure success of a standby task deploying a property using a certificate.
- Added Enable OCSP Stapling option into the property configuration’s TLS Settings section. This can improve security and performance for large sites serving many users.
- Improved display of confirmation and status popups.
- Implemented ‘standby task’ which is a way to queue up multiple property and certificate deployments and undeployments to be executed in a single task.
- Added disableHttp2 property configuration option to allow you to disable support for HTTP/2 and use HTTP 1.1 only.
- Added cacheKeyUri property configuration option to control when the URL is incorporated into the cache key.
- Updated edge requests report to support the Accept HTTP header with quality values.
- Improved validation of Edge Logic using eval_func.
- Improved hostnames API.
- Added the origin_selection_algorithm directive so you can control the selection of an IP address if an origin resolves to multiple IP addresses.
- Provided date range selectors in the portal for validation and deployment tasks.
- Improved display of lists of items.
- Supported grouping by customer ID for summary reports.
- Improving searching for deployment tasks.
- Updated get property validation task API to return cache version as well.
- Allowed a wildcard hostname to overlap with another hostname owned by the same customer.
- Allow a client zone to support multiple ISPs. (These are specified when creating an edge hostname.)
- Added a banner at the top of the dashboard pointing to the ‘Quick Start’ help.
- Fixed pagination issues.
- Improved display of three Edge Logic directives: proxy_cache_lock, proxy_cache_lock_timeout, and proxy_cache_lock_age.
- The traffic volume summary report now supports grouping of results by customerIds.
- Improved error message when the user uses an unauthorized or unsupported directive.
- If a reseller performs a validation, deployment, or purge on behalf of their customer, we track the caller’s API account.
- Added 3 new Edge Logic directives: proxy_cache_lock to better control traffic to the origin servers, proxy_cache_lock_age to specify a time after which another request may be made, and proxy_cache_lock_timeout to set a timeout for proxy_cache_lock.
- Prevented an acceleration hostname from matching the origin server to avoid a loop.
- Added a property configuration field, disableCertAutomation, which should be set to true if you manage certificate renewals yourself instead of using our certificate auto-renewal via Let’s Encrypt.
- Improved real-time log support.
- Allowed headers to be passed to the notification server in the real-time log feature.
- Improved certificate selection in the property creation and update pages.
- Improved pagination in pages with lists of items.
- Added “Disable Certificate Renew Automation” setting to advanced settings of properties.
- Prevented the user from creating a property whose hostname is the same that of an origin server.
- Improved page navigation.
- Improved assignment of multiple portal users to a role.
- Added fast route request and volume reports.
- Improved display of pages listing items.
- Updated edge hostname creation button label to be consistent with others.
- Updated colors on edit role page.
- Made redirection of HTTP to HTTPS the default when setting up a property.
- Displayed requests per second in 5 minute interval charts.
- Supported click to copy of hostnames when viewing a property.
- Supported specification of weights when defining origin servers of a property.
- Supported X-Forwarded-Scheme header when purging a file. This ensures purges work if the property’s Edge Logic does a redirection from HTTP to HTTPS.
- For usability, supported click to copy hostnames when editing a property.
- Supported specification of weights when defining origin servers of a property.
- Improved usefulness of pie charts by sorting results, showing the top 30 slices, and consolidating the remaining values into another slice.
- Ensured password reset page is accessible in China.
- Added support for filtering the ISPs list by region.
- Added support for filtering the region list by ISP.
- Added support for multiple ISPs in a client zone rule.
- Added support for origin_host in the real-time log feature.
- Allowed all customers to use these directives: sorted_querystring_filter_parameter to remove some query parameters; proxy_ignore_cache_control to disable processing of certain cache-control directives in the response from the origin; slice to set the size of the slices when fetching large files from the origin; and origin_header_modify to add, delete, or overwrite the response header fields from the origin before any other processing.
- Added slice_ignore_etag directive to disable ETag consistency check of sliced files.
- Made it easier for a reseller to purge a directory or file on behalf of their customer.
- Added fast route origin request report API to show the origin requests accelerated by the High-Speed Data Transmission product.
- Added fast route origin traffic report API to show the origin traffic accelerated by the High-Speed Data Transmission product.
- Updated report APIs to support UTC+13 and UTC+14 time zones.
- Allowed purging of URLs with upper and lower case characters.
- Fixed historical hostnames API to omit properties that have only deployed to staging.
- Supported keepalive_timeout in the origin section of a property definition.
- Improved display of pages.
- Improved representation of certificate ownership.
- Emailed trial users about upcoming expiration.
- Supported Keep-Alive timeout setting in the advanced property origin section.
- Added several advanced Edge Logic directives: origin_fast_route allowing you to use our High-Speed Data Transmission (HDT)-powered solution to provide a more reliable connection with reduced latency; origin_follow_redirect if you wish us to follow 30X redirects from the origin; and custom_log_field allowing you to add fields to the access logs.
- Fixed error handling when purging files with multiple copies due to the Vary header.
- Added support for access control rules to properties to let you restrict access by IP or regions.
- Improved validation of EC certificates.
- Added support for kilobytes in the limit_rate directive.
- Allowed the redirectHttpToHttps property configuration field to support return codes 302, 307, and 308.
- enableIPv6 is supported only by the deliver action in client zone rules.
- Made 512 kilobytes the minimum value of the slice directive.
- Added "view deployment history" for properties and certificates.
- Allowed a custom role to deploy a certificate.
- Fixed display issues.
- Made enableIPv6 an option for the deliver action only in client zone rules.
- Fixed deployment related issues.
- Added enableOcspStapling field to the property configuration to support OCSP stapling.
- Handled expired trial customers.
- Improved display of lists in the portal.
- Displayed search and filter parameters in the URL of Task list pages.
- Allowed IPv6 when creating a client zone rule for an edge hostname.
- Added Validation and Deployment submenu items under the Tasks menu.
- Updated resellers' creation of customer accounts.
- Used qtlcdn.com domain for new edge hostnames.
- Improved interface for editing property and certificates.
- Fixed display issue in the client zone rule creation page.
- Added support for Escape key to cancel operations.
- Implemented page for trial users to get information about upgrading.
- Changed Create Purge's default to invalidate instead of delete.
- Improved usability of the Edge Logic editor including more keyboard shortcuts and auto-complete.
- Updated support for China PoPs.
- Allowed strings in Edge Logic to span multiple lines.
- Allowed hyphens and periods in an origin name.
- Added the system configuration API to return system settings.
- Updated the portal links to help pages.
- Allowed the escape key to be used to cancel operations and close windows.
- Added support for trial accounts.
- Improved the Edge Logic editor to highlight some syntax errors and support auto-completion of directive and variable names.
- Updated property validation to show the line number if an error is found in the Edge Logic.
- Added optional tlsSessionTimeout field to the property configuration to control the TLS session ticket timeout.
- Updated edge hostname request report and edge hostname request summary report APIs.
- Fixed purge request progress dialog.
- Improved Edge Logic editor to highlight directives and make it more useful.
- Improved purge performance.
- Enabled support for the Edge Logic directive, proxy_cache_methods so you can specify the HTTP methods whose responses are cached.
- Updated limit on purge requests to a maximum of 1000 files and 5 directories at a time.
- Improved property list API's filtering.
- Introduced origin_limit_rate directive allowing you to limit the speed at which the response is read from the origin server.
- Introduced origin_set_header directive allowing you to redefine or append fields to the request header passed to the origin server.
- Introduced advanced directive origin_header_modify allowing you to add, delete, or overwrite the response header fields from the origin before any other processing.
- Introduced origin_connect_timeout allowing you to define a timeout for establishing a connection with the origin server.
- Introduced origin_read_timeout allowing you to define a timeout for reading a response from the origin server.
- Introduced origin_send_timeout allowing you to set a timeout for transmitting a request to the origin server.
- Updated access control.
- Renamed menu items to better reflect their functionalities.
- Fixed the report APIs’ support for wildcards in the hostname filter.
- Implemented a service to monitor Beian status of domains served by PoPs in China.
- Allowed disabling of support for IPv6 within a client zone rule.
- Ensured that non-printable characters can only appear in Edge Logic if quoted.
- Improved property list API's filtering support.
- Changed real-time logging format field to make it easier to use.
- Allowed notifications to be sent to extra recipients.
- Implemented CDN product management APIs.
- Updated support for trials.
- Fixed validation of Edge Logic to allow non-Latin characters.
- Added ‘Load Balancer Hash Key’ field to Advanced Settings of properties.
- Improved error handling for client zone rules.
- Fixed list display issue for screens of different sizes.
- Improved forgotten password functionality.
- Added support for limiting the number of portal users.
- Made regionalOffice field required.
- Support filtering search of customers based on the regionalOffice field.
- Support updating an edge hostname using PATCH.
- Enhanced security to provide additional notifications when settings have been changed.
- Supported trial customers.
- Increased security of portal users.
- Increased security by notifying of account changes.
- Allowed search of client regions by keyword.
- Fixed use of redirectHttpToHttps with multiple hostnames.
- Fixed issues switching between our Edge Computing Platform (ECP) and CDN Pro products.
- Allowed selection of ISPs when defining client region rules for edge hostnames.
- Added support for ‘group by’ to traffic summary report.
- Ensured email address is required when creating an API account.
- Enhanced ISP list API to support search by keyword and sorting of results.
- Improved certificate expiration notice.
- Improved security.
- Added fields to the edge hostname list.
- Improved display of lists.
- Added “Has ICP Beian” option for edge hostnames.
- Improved email about expiring password.
- Improved validation of properties.
- Fixed sorting of results on the pages which contain lists of items.
- Enhanced certificate list page.
- Improved display of lists of items.
- Fixed 2FA support.
- Fixed display issue in the password reset page.
- Fixed issue editing certificates.
- Improved error message for property validation.
- Fixed hint text in search boxes.
- Improved error text for password reset.
- Allowed resellers to use the Report-Range header in the API calls function to further customize their search of API call history.
- Fixed sorting on Roles page.
- Improved search box behavior.
- Improved display of password reset page.
- Enhanced customer list API's filtering.
- Limited API request body size.
- Updated get service quota API to support 'me' as a parameter value allowing you to see your own settings.
- Updated summary report APIs' responses to include a special group all which consists of total traffic or requests of all groups.
- Added "Validate" link below "Real Time Logging URL".
- Improved forgotten password functionality.
- Supported getting expiration times of certificates deployed to production and staging.
- Changed certificate number from decimal to hexadecimal value for consistency with browsers and other tools.
- Allowed resellers to filter results using the Report-Range header when retrieving API accounts and portal users.
- Supported auto-renewal of certificates.
- Sorted validation task list by submission time by default.
- Ensured that read-only API accounts can make calls to report APIs.
- Fixed missing information on the View Certificate page.
- Improved validation of real-time logging settings.
- Changed the label of certificate hash to “Fingerprint”.
- Fixed the display of cache hit ratio when origin traffic is larger than edge traffic.
- Auto-populated form fields when creating a new certificate version.
- Fixed search function on Content Management page.
- Displayed the purge quota on the purge creation page.
- Updated the display of the property list page.
- Updated portal documentation to describe real-time logging feature and AWS authentication support.
- Added staging servers API to get the IP addresses of staging servers you can use to test your properties before deploying to production.
- Fixed impersonation support of API calls.
- Ensure certificates must be <=36kB to avoid problems with IE browser.
- Enhanced customer list API to support new filters.
- Updated customer management API to support portalSettings field which includes enabling two factor authentication, password expiration, session logout, and IP whitelist.
- Added support for separate purge quotas for staging and production.
- Improved security of notifications.
- Improved signup invitation.
- Added support for authentication of Amazon S3 servers used as the origin.
- Added support for real-time log.
- Improved appearance of the property comparison page.
- Allowed customer administrators to change the session logout time.
- Ensured customers of resellers can have any of the products available to the reseller.
- Added apiName to the edge hostname deployment history
- Added apiName to the API calls response.
Added proxy_ignore_cache_control directive allowing you to disable processing of certain cache control directives in the response from the origin.
- Updated property version comparison user interface.
- Supported the Korean and Japanese languages.
- Updated the Edit User page.
- Improved portal security.
- Enabled administrators to invite new users to join by email.
- Fixed search functionality.
- Fixed user suspension and reactivation.
- Added support for sorting properties, tasks, edge hostnames, accounts, and customers returned by APIs.
- Improved randomness of property IDs.
- Improved stripping of comments in Edge Logic.
- Allowed the cacheKeyHostname field to support NGINX variables.
- Moved API account limits to the customers API.
- Supported passing headers in file and directory purges.
- Saved preferred language for each portal user.
- Added “operator” role you can assign to users who are permitted to administer CDN functions but not manage users and roles.
- Supported origin server authentication.
- Supported searching for customer by ID.
- Added support for certificate expiration and auto-renewal.
- Made self-signed certificate expire in 10 days.
- Updated role list page.
- Supported search in the Roles tab.
- Ensured customers have at least one administrator account.
- Added identity and access management page.
- Added support for role management.
- Fixed notification API.
- Relaxed the requirements on content handler in 'if' blocks.
- Made the origin hostHeader support NGINX variables.
- Updated product logos.
- Supported pagination in list of customers.
- Updated support for editing profile.
- Supported additional languages.
- Supported comparison of different versions of a property.
- Made specifying an origin for a property optional.
- Added support for loadBalancerHashKey.
- Fixed protocol downgrade support.
- Returned error code "VariedFile" when purging a file with multiple copies due to the Vary header.
- Updated validation for deleting customers.
- Enabled gzip in the portal server to compress response of large size.
- Updated access denied page.
- Improved security.
- Updated protocol downgrade support.
- Added APIs to support creating and retrieving notifications.
- Supported searches in the portal user list page.
- Supported certificate sharing in the portal.
- Updated authorization to check for assigned product.
- Improved error handling of purge requests.
- Made “Download Options” on reports functional.
- Implemented contact management UI.
- Added role list page.
- Added validation when using a second TLS certificate.
- Fixed issues related to client region support.
- Added support for redirectHttpToHttps setting.
- Added products, responsiblePerson, and emailAddress fields to API accounts.
- Updated role and permission management.
- Supported pagination and searches in account list API.
- Updated support for testing deployments to staging.
- Supported gzip compression in API responses.
- Supported longer origin timeouts.
- Allowed bandwidth and volume reports to be filtered by server groups.
- Ensured that properties can be validated if a shared certificate it is using is no longer shared.
- Added two directives proxy_cache_vary, allowing you to control how the 'Vary' response header from the origin is handled, and eval_func, allowing you to run some common algorithms in your Edge Logic.
- Added a link to the Edge Computing Platform portal.
- Added two directives proxy_cache_min_age, allowing you to specify the minimum cache time, and gzip_types, allowing you to enable gzip compression on additional MIME types.
- Updated password reset functionality.
- Allowed resellers to disable customers’ use of a shared certificate.
- Enhanced usability.
- Required users to confirm changes before deploying a property.
- Improved the create property page.
- Supported several additional NGINX directives.
- Improved login page.
- Improved validation of the Edge Logic.
- Added support for getting the customer ID that owns various resources.
- Updated the list of supported NGINX directives.
- Fixed purge of URLs with special characters.
- Separated file and directory purge quotas.
- Improved cache key hostname.
- Improved the certificate sharing UI.
- Improved the layout of the edge hostname client zone rules.
- Improved purge and certificate UI.
- Split purge quota into separate file and directory quotas.
- Added support for returning the customer ID that owns various resources.
- Improved status code details report.
- Updated cache key hostname processing.
- Improved property, report, edge hostname, and certificate pages.
- Improved edge hostname creation and edit user interface.
- Improved origin auto-detect UI.
- Allowed the user to delete notifications.
- Improved the edit property page UI.
- Improved the edit certificate UI.
- Improved the add origin UI.
- Saved NGINX configurations during the validation step to help with future deployments.
- Supported purge with file headers.
- Improved purge APIs.
- Enhanced report APIs.
- Supported multiple hostnames.
- Improved report pages.
- Supported notification of events in the portal.
- Fixed issue related to certificates.
- Supported user added headers in purge requests.
- Supported file and folder purge requests.
- Improved report page.
- Added allowedCacheDirectives to control access to resource-intensive NGINX directives.
- Updated edge hostname API.
- Updated output of Get API Account.
- Improved validation of edge hostnames' clientZones.
- Updated property validation.
- Updated report annotations.
- Improved property and certificate APIs.
- Improved certificate and account management.
- Improved deployment task APIs to support our portal.
- Improved error handling when creating API accounts.
- Required encryption of private keys
- Improved getting property details.
- Fixed handling of suspended customers.
- Improved report APIs.